Some knowledgeable Facts

Fact: The longest plank (a form of exercise) ever was held for 5 hours and 15 minutes.
Fact: Sharks can see up to 10 times better than humans in clear water.

Fact: Snakes use their tongues to smell.
Fact: Anne Frank wrote most of her diary in the form of letters to a person named “Kitty”.
Fact: “Tinku” is a festival in Bolivia where people beat each other for 2 or 3 days straight.
Fact: “Alexithymia” is the inability of people to identify and describe their own emotions.
Fact: If we could jump proportionally as high as a locust, we would be able to jump 18m (59 ft).
Fact: A flock of starlings is called a “murmuration.”
Fact: Bubble wrap was originally designed as an easy-to-clean textured wallpaper.
Fact: According to a study, people who work 11 hours or more a day are 67% more likely to have a heart attack than people with an 8-hour work day.
Fact: 44% of the people who didn’t evacuate for hurricane Katrina stayed because they didn’t want to abandon their pets.
Fact: A baby is born on its predicted due date just 4% of the time.
Fact: In 1944, by a huge coincidence, a crossword puzzle was printed with answers all containing D-Day operation “code names”, which sent MI-5 into a panic thinking their invasion plans had been discovered.
Fact: Mawlynnong is a village in Meghalaya which is considered as the cleanest village in Asia.
Fact: None of the Beatles could read music.
Fact: The longest common English word without vowels is “Rhythms”.
Fact: The word “mortgage” comes from a French word that means “death contract”.
Fact: When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb.
Fact: In 2015, astronaut Chris Hadfield released the first album of songs recorded entirely in space.
Fact: The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.
Fact: Apples, peaches and raspberries are all members of the rose family.
Fact: Elvis Presley didn’t write any of his songs.
Fact: There are more English words beginning with the letter “S” than with any other letter.
Fact: In the early years of the 20th century, horses were causing so much pollution with their poop that cars were seen as the “green alternative”.
Fact: Gandhi never won the nobel peace prize, despite being nominated five times.
Fact: Square watermelons are grown by Japanese farmers for easier stack and store.
Fact: In 2009, Nigerian police arrested a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.
Fact: “Screeched” is the longest English word with one syllable.
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